Profiles Performance Indicator™

Profiles Performance Indicator

People Do Things for their reasons, not yours!

Coaching has become fundamental to business growth. The ability to “coach and develop others” is now a required competency in most manager job descriptions. However, very few managers know how to make coaching effective. To improve the quality and impact of your coaching efforts, start by giving your managers tangible, practical information about how to coach their direct reports. Effective coaching is based on asking rather than telling, on provoking thought rather than giving directions and on holding a person accountable. Essential coaching skills include: Building the relationship. Challenging thinking and assumptions. Supporting and encouraging. Setting goals and driving results.

Coaching employees effectively can be challenging. Unfortunately, when new employees are hired and on-boarded they don’t come with an Operating Manual. In order to maximize the outcomes of your coaching efforts, you first need to understand the preferences, motives, values and work styles of your employees. Profiles Performance Indicator™ (PPI) allows managers to better motivate, coach, and communicate with employees, as well as to resolve conflict among co-workers. PPI is a styles assessment that measures an individual’s motivational intensity and behaviors related to:

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