CheckPoint 360° Competency Feedback System™

Manager Competency Reviews

Your organization depends on its managers to grow and increase profits. Whether you’re looking to promote an internal candidate to the managerial level or you’re looking to evaluate a current manager, performance reviews will help you identify who has the essential competencies, skills, values, and communications for successful leadership. While manager competency reviews are very useful for holding your managers accountable, they are also valuable for creating a road map to a more profitable business because they will identify opportunities to coach and develop your managers.

The Checkpoint™ 360 degree feedback system has been hailed by clients for its thoroughness, cost-effectiveness, and long-term results. CheckPoint is a manager audit and development tool based on a 360 degree assessment completed on-line. It is designed to positively impact a manager’s growth and career and ultimately the organization’s success. Feedback from the full circle of people with whom the manager interacts will be gathered. This “full picture” performance review concludes with specific strategies to enhance the manager’s skills and promote their success. The report from the Checkpoint 360 performance review provides comprehensive leadership development feedback and planning.

Eight Competencies

CheckPoint 360 Benefits

Eighteen Skill Sets

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